

First to post gets 5 bucks and a hug/high five....also Alec doesn't count. >.>

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Dear pesky plumbers...The koopalings and I have taken over the mushroom kingdom! The Princess is now a permanent guest at one of my seven koopa hotels! I dare ya to find her if ya can!



you shut your whore mouth when billie mays is talking.



I'm one fucked up loser. O_o



I dont care if you dont have an Xbox 360.

Buy one and go fucking play Braid, Godammit.
Also, for the lulz:


Iq test results.

Right, well....umm....

Free IQ Test - Free IQ Test


Cats...Cats are nice.

So...I'm pretty much wiped out.
Just totally tired.
my arms hurt, my feet hurt.

I'm not hungry.
I don't feel like playing games.
Working out didn't wake me up.
I'm not sad, or anything.
I'm just not particularly...happy.
It's one of those "whatever" moods.

I dunno. I've had a lot on my mind.
People. Events. Even the future, occasionally.

Anyway, I'm going to my dad's for the first month of summer.
open invitations, just give me a call, right?


Who Would Win 2

In a dogfight, Captain Falcon or Star Wolf?


Who Would Winzorz?

Lucario or Mewtwo?



I'm SO angry right now.

Like, I want the walls to crumble around me.

Why? Well I was watching Highlander just now, excited because I believed I was reaching the series finale.

But then Richie dies. So already I'm practically crying.
I go to pick up the next tape
expecting to get to see Duncan having an epic face-off with the Millenium demon,
and what happens?


There's no bloody tie-up, it's hardly even a cliffhanger!
So I'm kind of panicking, so of course I fire up the computer and pull up the wikipedia article on the series,
thinking, "Oh, well there must be a sixth season or a movie finisher or something."\
well yes there is a sixth season but it was half crap pilots for "Highlander: The Raven" (a super-lame spinoff)
and adrien Paul wasn't even it it!!!!!!


so angry.
Whatever. I guess I'll go watch the movies, or something.

(droppin teh f-bomb)



The internet is slowly taking over.

If you don't believe me then...well, just look.


and (for winky/Kieron)

so anyway, yea.


I'm die!

So I'm sitting at my computer with my cat perched right above the keyboard watching me type. I'm thoroughly convinced she's the cutest thing ever.

Anyway there's this band.
who has this song.
And it's awesome.
here's the lyrics and a link:

I've been walking through your streets
Where all your money's earning
Where all your buildings crying
And clueless neckties working
Revolving fake lawn houses
Housing all your fears
Desensitized by T.V.

Overbearing advertising
God of consumerism
And all your crooked pictures looking good
Mirrorism filtering information for the public eye
Designed for profiteering
Your neighbor, what a guy

Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom,
Every time you drop the bomb
You kill the god your child has born
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom,

Modern globalization
Coupled with condemnations
Unnecessary death
Matador corporations
Puppeting your frustrations with a blinded flag
Manufacturing consent is the name of the game
The bottom line is money nobody gives a fuck

4000 hungry children
Leave us per hour from starvation
While billions are spent on bombs
Creating death showers

Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom,
Every time you drop the bomb
You kill the god your child has born

Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom,
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom

Why must we kill our own kind?

Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom,
Every time you drop the bomb
You kill the god your child has born

Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom,
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom,
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom,
Every time you drop the bomb




I was thinking about sharing my thoughts just now, I'm kind of in a sad mood.
But I doubt anybody really wants to hear it.
Besides, if I did, I'd be afraid of fitting the emo stereotype. And I'm not even CLOSE to emo.
(Am I?)
I suppose I'm only afraid of these things.

1. Horror Movies.
2. Falling.
3. Car Crashes. (always thinking about them while driving.)

You know, I think that's it.
Otheer than that, I think I really dont care.

About anything.

I just
don't care.

Just yet.



careful, the audio sucks ass.



I kept it a secret. And now I'm reaping the benefits.
You know, for me, something like this usually leaves behind GRAVE consequences.
I guess this time I was ninja enough to avoid them.
Or I got lucky.

See that's the problem. You were probably brought up to have deep-seated fears
against doing this kind of things, because your parents told you so.
Well, now you're an adult and goddamit, you can do what you please. (within reason, of course.)
And although overall I knew it was a stupid choice,
the most obvious opinion was, "Why not?"

You may be disappointed in me,
You may be glad you're not me,
You might even be glad I've gone,

But, by Jove, I had fun.
A rare occasion to begin with.

And if that makes me a bad person then I really think you have
really fucked-up, socially-biased, ignoramus-style, small, and closed-minded morals.

If that offended you i'm sorry but that's how i see it.
...Which may also, unfortunately, pertain to the above statement.'

Oh, balls...


An amazing thought.

I had this amazing thought just now, on the way home from Speech Contest.

The only problem was, I had forgotten it by the time I sat down at my computer.

I find this happens to me a lot.

The most brilliant, most perfect, most cosmically mind bending thought you've had in many moons.
And then it dies a mysterious, lingering death.

Sad face.

Another night, walking still.

I noticed today that I hadn't had an original thought in years.
Most of the things I think about are based off of situations I'd seen or heard of,
With despicably low amounts of imaginative fabrication.
When this occurred to me, I realized that all of the things I had thought before,
even the thoughts that I believed were more personal, original thoughts,
maybe even an enlightened on or two,
had all, no doubt,
been previously thought.
Perhaps some 24 year old in Montana had had this same thought pattern two days ago.

I bought a really cool gas mask (fully functional) offline last week and it came today.
I was really exited. It looked pretty scary on me. Fit well, too.

By the end of the day it had split in two.
I guess I didn't deserve it.

They always say,
material wealth isn't the true path to happiness.
A agree.
However, material goods can indeed create
the true path to perfect ultimately realistic internal fabrication of reality,
better known as imagination.


All too sad.

ever been in one of those situations where your felling pretty good about yourself and life in general...
suddenly, a single thing is said, or a single event occurrs, and suddenly your completely down on yourself and you feel terrible, like you've let everybody down? happens.

dunno, maybe i'm just over-emotional. I have pretty massive mood swings.
I cried during Wall-E. It was so cute, yet so sad. (-_+)

what about you?


Idiots on Youtube: Update

so here's today's exchange of messages between me and the absolutely ludicrous cannonballcrush.


hey loser what took so long. way i see it you get just as bitchy about nothin. just another fuckin loser faggot. oh oh man insult my grammar oooo thats hurtin. stupid fuck, worms like you bother me not. this amuses me. keep comin bitch

You have fun trying to make yourself sound more intelligent. Sounds to me like you are running out of steam. You know, of all the people on this planet, racist jerks like you who keep trying to tell themselves that they're tough and cool because they use expletives and talk trash to people they've never met without real reason to do so. All I see is a pathetic nine year old sitting behind the mask of the internet thinking he owns the place. Go back to school.

I want to see how long he goes. ^_^


Idiots on Youtube.

so for the last couple of weeks there's this guy I've been talking to. I replied to a mean comment he left about a user's video,talking about how people who say mean things about videos.

the following ensued.

Under a DJ Video:

hey you dumb fuckin bitch, shut your fuckin hole and go back to watching your hardcore gay bdsm porn, faggot

The fact that you know what that is makes you more of a homosexual than he is.

And then in Private Messages:

Hey bitch, go fuck yourself. You can try to sound tough all you like but you're just another socially retarded nerd that spends too much time jacking off to Sailor Moon hentai and crying alone in your room about why no one likes you. Stupid FAGGOT!!!

Hee hee...people like you make me laugh. Spending all this time just trying to make someone feel stupid or're pathetic. I don't believe for a second that someone who spells Sailor Moon with capitals is in any position to be talking down on others just because he's having a bad day. Listen, I would like to appeal to your idiotic senses but I'm intelligent enough to be able to outwit the likes of you any day of the year. So quit whining, go have your juice box, and stop molesting other women.

your just a greasy little shithead not really worth my time but i love to fuck with retarded little nerds like you. turn the fuckin anime off and go find a hooker (other than your hatchet faced skank of a mother) to lose your cherry too and get a life, you down syndrome, pedophalic fuckhead.

HAHAHAHAAA! ...Look at you. Getting hot headed over virtually nothing.
Okay, okay. so after reading your last message, i see the following:

1) You like to engage in sexual intercourse with mentally disabled under-age people whose interests differ from yours.

2) Such a filthy mouth, AND grammar problems? You must have had a terrible life. Did you dad hit you mom with his belt too much? Or did your mom's heroin addiction make you feel ignored?

3) Actually, you're right about my mom. Good observation.

You insipid fool. Why even bother wasting more of your own time? I really could care less about showing some degenerate pig like you how insignificant you really are. Go ahead. Keep replying. It'll simply prove my point.

Also, my cheerleadeing-captain, class president, 4.0 GPA, sister would like you to know that boys like you belong in sewers, and that replying to a 16-year-old boy to this extent is pathetic.


lol, idiots.


Blarg, an old beginning.

So I'm sitting here drinking the worst soda I've ever had (a mixture of 7% tangerine juice and 93% carbonated water.) and about four of something called "Cruncheros". They're not bad for being nothing less than rediculously processed meat scraps, but they're not half bad.

I'm tired of chemistry and taking Stone's shit. If you want someone to do something well, you do not make them feel like excrement and give them bad grades.

As a matter of fact...

(run for the hills, a rant is coming.)

Oh, Hello.

It seems that by some twist of fate you have stumbled upon this insignificant fragment of the intronauts (awesomeness for internet).


In a way, I'm somewhat glad you have fallen for my trap, as this, like many others, is simply a way to share my thoughts with the world as discreetly as possible, and I have many a thought that needs to be shared.

I was asked to do this because one of my friends had blog of his own, and since my good ol' forum (which I had become emotionally attached to) and it's fragment (which I had become MOAR emotionally attached to) had been shut down, I felt a need for... some intronauts to stake a claim to.



and have a nice time.