

I dont care if you dont have an Xbox 360.

Buy one and go fucking play Braid, Godammit.
Also, for the lulz:


Iq test results.

Right, well....umm....

Free IQ Test - Free IQ Test


Cats...Cats are nice.

So...I'm pretty much wiped out.
Just totally tired.
my arms hurt, my feet hurt.

I'm not hungry.
I don't feel like playing games.
Working out didn't wake me up.
I'm not sad, or anything.
I'm just not particularly...happy.
It's one of those "whatever" moods.

I dunno. I've had a lot on my mind.
People. Events. Even the future, occasionally.

Anyway, I'm going to my dad's for the first month of summer.
open invitations, just give me a call, right?