
Idiots on Youtube: Update

so here's today's exchange of messages between me and the absolutely ludicrous cannonballcrush.


hey loser what took so long. way i see it you get just as bitchy about nothin. just another fuckin loser faggot. oh oh man insult my grammar oooo thats hurtin. stupid fuck, worms like you bother me not. this amuses me. keep comin bitch

You have fun trying to make yourself sound more intelligent. Sounds to me like you are running out of steam. You know, of all the people on this planet, racist jerks like you who keep trying to tell themselves that they're tough and cool because they use expletives and talk trash to people they've never met without real reason to do so. All I see is a pathetic nine year old sitting behind the mask of the internet thinking he owns the place. Go back to school.

I want to see how long he goes. ^_^


  1. explain to me for posterity's sake, what pray tell is separating you from the other idiots on youtube :P besides the lack of expletives in your posts XD

    i guess as long as you're doing it for fun :P

  2. dude add more soon

    side brawl taunt


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