
Idiots on Youtube.

so for the last couple of weeks there's this guy I've been talking to. I replied to a mean comment he left about a user's video,talking about how people who say mean things about videos.

the following ensued.

Under a DJ Video:

hey you dumb fuckin bitch, shut your fuckin hole and go back to watching your hardcore gay bdsm porn, faggot

The fact that you know what that is makes you more of a homosexual than he is.

And then in Private Messages:

Hey bitch, go fuck yourself. You can try to sound tough all you like but you're just another socially retarded nerd that spends too much time jacking off to Sailor Moon hentai and crying alone in your room about why no one likes you. Stupid FAGGOT!!!

Hee hee...people like you make me laugh. Spending all this time just trying to make someone feel stupid or're pathetic. I don't believe for a second that someone who spells Sailor Moon with capitals is in any position to be talking down on others just because he's having a bad day. Listen, I would like to appeal to your idiotic senses but I'm intelligent enough to be able to outwit the likes of you any day of the year. So quit whining, go have your juice box, and stop molesting other women.

your just a greasy little shithead not really worth my time but i love to fuck with retarded little nerds like you. turn the fuckin anime off and go find a hooker (other than your hatchet faced skank of a mother) to lose your cherry too and get a life, you down syndrome, pedophalic fuckhead.

HAHAHAHAAA! ...Look at you. Getting hot headed over virtually nothing.
Okay, okay. so after reading your last message, i see the following:

1) You like to engage in sexual intercourse with mentally disabled under-age people whose interests differ from yours.

2) Such a filthy mouth, AND grammar problems? You must have had a terrible life. Did you dad hit you mom with his belt too much? Or did your mom's heroin addiction make you feel ignored?

3) Actually, you're right about my mom. Good observation.

You insipid fool. Why even bother wasting more of your own time? I really could care less about showing some degenerate pig like you how insignificant you really are. Go ahead. Keep replying. It'll simply prove my point.

Also, my cheerleadeing-captain, class president, 4.0 GPA, sister would like you to know that boys like you belong in sewers, and that replying to a 16-year-old boy to this extent is pathetic.


lol, idiots.



    Did you dad hit you mom with his belt too much? Or did your mom's heroin addiction make you feel ignored?

    GJ brah :]

  2. i would like you to know that I had to type yanyman into the word verification box in order to post that XD

  3. lolollololololll...

  4. HA!!!!lolz to people like that.
    I actually saw a comment like that on your youtube page, entertaining to a certain extent, sad to another


/b/ comments.